Java script ajax call
- We have to write onclick function in HTML tag
- Here we need to pass user id through php
- we need to create js function and inside we should write ajax call and pass the controller function names
ex :-
1 Html tag
<div class="btn-group"><button type="button" onclick="functioin_name('<?php echo $clientleads->acc_id;?>', <?php echo $stage_row['0']['stage_id'];?>)"> </button
2 Js function
function function_name($varible1 , varible2){
url: '<?php echo base_url();?>Clients/get_stage_name', // controller name/ function name
type: 'POST',
data: {
stage_id: varibel1 //pass the variables or id
success: function (response) {
var stage_ids = JSON.parse(response);
var stage_name = stage_ids.stages;
$("#stage_name").html(stage_name); // model class input field name
3 Codeigniter controller function
public function get_stage_name()
$stage_name = "select * from table_name where condition"; // your query and conditions
echo json_encode($stage_name);