How to Implement tawk to button in Web Application

edited February 2024 in Web Development is a popular live chat application that allows website owners to communicate with visitors in real-time. It offers a wide range of features including chat customization, visitor monitoring, and integration with popular CMS platforms. Here's how you can implement on your website:

  1. Sign up and create an account: Go to the website and sign up for an account. Once you've created an account, you'll be able to access your dashboard.
  2. Get your embed code: In your dashboard, navigate to the Admin section and click on "Widget Settings."
  3. Paste the code into your website: Paste the embed code into the HTML of your website where you want the chat widget to appear. This is typically done just before the closing </body> tag in your website's template or on specific pages where you want the chat to appear.
  4. Customize your chat widget (optional): You can customize the appearance and behavior of your chat widget by adjusting settings in the dashboard. This includes changing the color scheme, position, and language of the widget.
  5. Start chatting: Once the embed code is added to your website, the chat widget will appear for visitors to use. You can log in to your dashboard to chat with visitors, monitor their activity, and manage settings for the chat widget.
  • this is the code for tawk to

<!--Start of Script-->

<script type="text/javascript">
var Tawk_API=Tawk_API||{}, Tawk_LoadStart=new Date();
var s1=document.createElement("script"),s0=document.getElementsByTagName("script")[0];

<!--End of Script-->

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