Sending the Data from a RecyclerView Adapter to Fragment/Activity

edited October 2023 in Android

//for suppose there are input textfields and ListViews in an adapter from which we have to send the data that is to be entered rather than just displaying the data.

//the following implementation would be easier.

custom ModelClass

/*firstly to send the data from an adapter to an activity or fragment we have to send ot through json format ,
this can be done by creating a custom model class for which we have to send the data */

package modelclass

data class SalesLineitemsList(
    val itemsList: List<CategoryItems>,
val agreedRateList:List<AgreedRate>,
data class CategoryItems(
    val categoryid:Int
data class AgreedRate(
    val agreedrate:String


package adapters

lateinit var sales_line_items: sales_line_items
lateinit var sales_line_unit: sales_line_items_units
lateinit var categoryArray:ArrayList<String>
lateinit var unitArray:ArrayList<String>
private lateinit var sharedPreference: SharedPreference

/*then in adapter wee have to initialise those list */
var categoryids = ArrayList<CategoryItems>()
var agreedrates = ArrayList<AgreedRate>()
class SalesLineItemsAdapter(private var SalesItems: List<Items>, private val context: Context) :
    RecyclerView.Adapter<SalesLineItemsAdapter.ViewHolder>() {
    class ViewHolder(
        private val binding: SalesLineItemsCardlayoutBinding,
        private val context: Context,

        ) : RecyclerView.ViewHolder(binding.root) {
fun bind(data: Items) {
    sharedPreference = SharedPreference(context)

var agentrateText = binding.txtAgentRateCard.text.toString().trim()
/* for an input text field to send the data or to append the data to the list from adapter we have to use text change listeners*/
            binding.txtAgreedRateCard.addTextChangedListener(object : TextWatcher {
                val adapter: ArrayAdapter<String> = ArrayAdapter<String>(

                override fun beforeTextChanged(
                    s: CharSequence?,
                    start: Int,
                    count: Int,
                    after: Int
                ) {
                override fun onTextChanged(s: CharSequence?, start: Int, before: Int, count: Int) {
                    agreedrateText = s.toString()
                override fun afterTextChanged(s: Editable?) {
                    if (agreedrateText.isNotEmpty()) {
                        try {
                            var aid = (agreedrateText)
                            if(adapterPosition+1 == agreedrates.size){
                                agreedrates[adapterPosition] = (AgreedRate(aid))
                            else {
                                agreedrates.add(AgreedRate(aid)) //here we add the entered data to the list
                        } catch (e: NumberFormatException) {
                            // Handle the case where the text cannot be parsed into a Double
                            Log.e("NumberFormatException", "Error parsing quantity: $agreedrateText")
                            // You can show an error message or take appropriate action here
                    } else {
                        // Handle the case where the text is empty (optional)
        fun setupSpinnerCategory(items:ArrayList<String>) {

            binding.txtCategoryCard.setOnClickListener {
                // Initialize dialog
                val dialog = Dialog(context)

                // Set custom dialog layout

                // Set custom height and width
                dialog!!.window?.setLayout(1000, 1000)

                // Set transparent background

                // Show dialog
                // Initialize variables from dialog
                val editText = dialog!!.findViewById<EditText>(
                val listView = dialog!!.findViewById<ListView>(

                // Initialize custom adapter
//            val customAdapter = CustomProductsSoinnerAdapter(items, this)
                val adapter: ArrayAdapter<String> = ArrayAdapter<String>(
                // Set adapter
                listView.adapter = adapter

                editText.addTextChangedListener(object : TextWatcher {
                    override fun beforeTextChanged(
                        s: CharSequence?,
                        start: Int,
                        count: Int,
                        after: Int
                    ) {
                    override fun onTextChanged(s: CharSequence?, start: Int, before: Int, count: Int) {
                    override fun afterTextChanged(s: Editable?) {}

                listView.setOnItemClickListener { parent, view, position, id ->

                    binding.txtCategoryCard.text = Editable.Factory.getInstance().newEditable(adapter.getItem(position).toString())

                    for (i in sales_line_items.items_list)

                            var id = (i.imasterid)
 private fun saveCategoryIds(categoryIds: ArrayList<CategoryItems>) {
            val sharedPreferences = context.getSharedPreferences("MySharedPreferences", Context.MODE_PRIVATE)
            val editor = sharedPreferences.edit()
            val categoryIdsJson = Gson().toJson(categoryIds) // Gson is a library for JSON serialization/deserialization
            editor.putString("categoryIds", categoryIdsJson)



        CustomerOrderBinding.btnSubmitSalesOrder.setOnClickListener {
            val gson = Gson()   
            val CategoryDataGSON:String = gson.toJson(adapters.categoryids)
            val AgreedRateGSON:String = gson.toJson(adapters.agreedrates) //

                unit = UnitDataGSON.toString(),
                agreed_rate = AgreedRateGSON.toString(),

//            Log.d("quantities","Quantities":${adapters.qid})
//            val fragmentManager = requireActivity().supportFragmentManager
//            fragmentManager.beginTransaction()
//                .replace(,Dashboard())
//                .commit()
//            (requireActivity() as AppCompatActivity).supportActionBar?.title = "Dashboard"
//            (requireActivity() as AppCompatActivity).supportActionBar?.setHomeButtonEnabled(true)
//            (requireActivity() as AppCompatActivity).supportActionBar?.setDisplayHomeAsUpEnabled(true)
//            val navigationView = requireActivity().findViewById<NavigationView>(
//            val menu =
//            val dashboardItem = menu.findItem(
//            dashboardItem.isChecked = true

        return root;root2


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