General Test Cases in the project

edited March 2021 in General

Hey Guys..!😃

Some times generally we are ignoring the very common and basic things while we are developing a project. We have to habituate that these things should not be repeated.

You can ask..! What are the advantages we can get ? here we go

  • Security
  • User friendly
  • Simplicity of the code
  • We can overcome production time errors.

General Test Cases:

1. On logo click, logo should be mapped to home page

2. Page should not go back to login page once after logging in if browser back button is clicked

3. Page should not be opened based on a static URL and should be redirected to login page

4.  No SQL injection 

5. Testing alerts to be removed while using JavaScript/jQuery

6. printing of data to be removed on the browser (echos)

7. removing exit function for testing the code and printing queries\

8.removing Notices and warnings

9. checking logic of the project

10. black box testing

11. Copy right and Webgrid signature in the footer

12. checking code optimization

13. form validations folds wherever required 

14. Optimizing Queries and views in database

15. using indexes for tables

16. Using explain statements

17. Spelling mistakes

18. Modal names should be in sync with hyperlink/page names

19. Date format to be followed: d M y h:i A

20. Hyperlink on click should give a proper MVC URL

Eg: (Incorrect) (Correct)

21 Serial no. should be displayed in all reports tables

22. Download all external JS or CSS files to server(Eg: jQuery, bootstrap etc.) don't use CDN

 23. Code should be clean no unnecessary comments

24. Comment should be there for each model and method

25. Testing Environment s

26. Mobile Responsiveness

27. If we have not logged in we should not be able to access url directly

Development rules to be followed

  1. Date format to be followed: d M y h:i A
  2. Hyperlink on click should give a proper MVC URL
  3. Eg: (Incorrect)
  4. (Correct)
  5. Serial no. should be displayed in all reports
  6. Download all external js or css files to server(Eg: jquery, bootstrap etc)

Testing Cases For An App

For User Input Fields 

• Edit field - Check for type of input you need from user (ex : mobile number is of number type, email is of both text, number and special character)

• Radio Buttons - Test for selection, here the select option should be any one

• Checkboxes - Test for selection, here the select option should be multiple

• Spinner/dropdown - Test for selection, here the select option should be any one with selected data in to the particular field

Submit Actions 

• Check for basic validations for all the fields (empty/field based like email format)

• Interruption testing(eg: app crash, app loading time)

• Success testing(eg: Progress bars, toasts/alerts, any message format, posting/getting data )

• Failure testing (eg: Error messages)

Screen Resolution

• Check for quality and clarity of images, icons, text, alignments in different devices 

Turn on GPS ON/OFF

• Test by turning off/on  location/gps in mobiles  and see whether user gets notified in app

Turn on Internet ON/OFF

• Test by turning off/on  data/Wi-Fi/both in mobiles  and see whether user gets notified in app and test for functionality

Screen Orientation(Landscape/Portrait)

• Test how app works Landscape mode (eg : alignments, UI etc.)

Dark/Night Mode ON/OFF

• Test how app works Dark mode (eg : alignments, UI etc.)

App To Device Communication

• Test for Back button functionality according to app functionality in present screen(eg : in login and home screen it should prompt user to exit app and in other screens it might prompt to go to home or the previous screen)


Yours Uday

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