What are magic methods?

Magic methods are member functions that are available to all the instances of a class.

Magic methods always start with ‘__’, for example, __construct(). All magic methods need to be declared as public.




class Fruit {

 public $name;

 public $color;

 function __construct($name) {

  $this->name = $name;


 function get_name() {

  return $this->name;



$apple = new Fruit("Apple");

echo $apple->get_name();




A destructor is called when the object is destructed or the script is stopped or exited.


class Fruit {

 public $name;

 public $color;

 function __construct($name) {

  $this->name = $name;


 function __destruct() {

  echo "The fruit is {$this->name}.";



$apple = new Fruit("Apple");


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