The Creative Block

Introduction :

As humans, we all are bestowed with some extraordinary skills that make us stand out from the rest of the crowd. But have you ever felt the inability to move forward or feeling stuck on unknown despite the commitment that was made by you? This phenomenon is known as the creative block. It is like an ocean and often prevails amongst artists (writers, composers, painters/artists, musicians). Creative block at the wrong time can spell disaster, especially when you are dealing with clients who just love time so much.

Contributing factors for creative block :

  1. Lacking self confidence
  2. Comparison
  3. Doubting self
  4. Absence of motivation
  5. Personal reasons at work or home
  6. Working non-stop

Let’s say you want to write a fresh article, but even before you start to think of penning down, all of sudden you encounter a turmoil, which makes it strenuous for you to focus and attempt. You know that you want to write but there is this blackout. No need to panic. From students to managers, housewives to famous personalities, everyone keeps going through creative block.

  • Creative block is not a phobia but just a short lived phase which takes every now and then. Whenever you encounter such a situation, go through your previous works, your achievements so far. 
  • Take a break, watch your favourite movie, do yoga, go for a walk. This will help in stimulation of energy and ideas.
  • You must accept the fact that you have been sprinkling innovative ideas for quite some time now and it is perfectly alright to experience blackouts. Remember even electricity is restored after a while, so yeah, it is fine.

Conclusion :

Creative block can take place at any age and doesn’t last long. Before moving on to the next project, pamper yourself and then see the results. Just keep reminding yourself that you are the best.

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