‘Balance your time and project with the ever useful MoM sheet’

Introduction : 

Today we are going to shed some light about the value of a MoM sheet.

Minutes of the Meeting? What is it?

Dear Team, We hope by now you have all gone through the MoM sheet that was shared in the Webgrid group. Minutes of the Meeting (popularly known as MoM) is like a checklist which when fed with relevant data about the meeting, can assist both the client and the developers on a regular basis. 

Components of the MoM sheet :

It can be said that your MoM sheet is just like your report card. The only difference here is that unlike your report card, there are no total marks & marks obtained, but are substituted with the responsibility & remarks column. Here, the client acts as your principal while the manager fulfils the role of a teacher. Please refer to Fig.1.

  • Meeting’s title
  • Date of the meeting
  • Time of the meeting
  • Host name
  • Venue
  • Short description
  • Attendees 
  • Duration of the meeting
  • Action items
  • Action names
  • Person responsible
  • Remarks


Purpose of the MoM sheet :

  • Reduce the chance of forgetting the agenda / points.
  • Trust deepens from the client's end.
  • To help the project or task in order.
  • Enhances confidence  & responsibility amongst the staff.
  • Scope of misunderstandings narrows down.
  • Gives a professional approach to the project.
  • Helps in proper time management.
  • Tasks can be prioritised. 
  • Assists in achieving team wise goals.
  • Improves communication skills.
  • For future documentation.

Conclusion :

Timely updation of the MoM sheet will only help you in the long-run and in fact it has been practically proven. From the smallest discussion to a grand project, accounting for every point will help save your time and also broaden the perspective of working on other projects alongside. So, the next time you are assigned a project, keep the MoM sheet handy. 


                                                                                                             -  All the best 

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