Time management - from office desk to your home

The importance of Time management has been emphasised to a great extent in schools, colleges. Not to mention, when it comes to the professional front, time management becomes as precious as oxygen, which is absorbed from a junior to the managing director, from an admin staff to the client; the needle hypnotises everyone. 

Every second counts and time is money. ‘Why ?’ you may ask. To make it clear, time hold weightage :

  • Scheduling work according to the time develops discipline.
  • Workers feel more responsible at work and value it at the same time.
  • Helps in achieving set targets and deadlines.
  • Proper time management generates more scope of accommodating extra tasks.
  • Take small breaks in between that will recharge you within. This is also a part of time management.
  • With set time, the mental burden eases.

While we all speak about managing time at the workplace, we all must also pay some attention towards the same in our personal lives. Anything within the limits is healthy. You don’t want to overwork and arrive home with a jitteriness and dull personality. It not only affects you, but also people around you (family and friends). 

  • Avoid discussing work at home and with friends. It’s family first.
  • If you feel that you need to work once home or during weekends, then schedule it well so that you are not exaggerated. 
  • Home & personal life is your space. So live life to the fullest.
  • Plan workouts, exercises, activities and workshops during weekends that would cheer you up.

Time management in a true sense depends on the needs and the urgency in a specific situation. Implementing it will enhance smooth operations at workplace and in personal life. Hence, prioritise tasks accordingly and stay motivated in every situation.

                                                         - “We must use time as a tool, not as a couch”

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