How to send a Smtp Email in C#/Dotnet.

Hello there,

In this blog, we will see the topic mentioned in the title...

For the mail process, we will use some of the main packages they are...

using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc; 
using MimeKit;
using MailKit.Net.Smtp; 
using Microsoft.Extensions.Options;
using Self.Models; 

After Imports, we will start creating and class with namespace as below...

namespace Self.Controllers
  public class NotifyController: IEmailService
//Code Goes here...

   public interface IEmailService


    bool SendEmail(Mail emailData);


After creating a Controller class we will now create a method/function in the Class as below...

    public bool SendEmail(Mail emailData)
      MimeMessage emailMessage = new MimeMessage();
      MailboxAddress emailFrom = new MailboxAddress(emailData.EmailFromName, "");
      MailboxAddress emailTo = new MailboxAddress(emailData.EmailToName, emailData.EmailToId);
      emailMessage.Subject = emailData.EmailSubject;
      BodyBuilder emailBodyBuilder = new BodyBuilder();
      emailBodyBuilder.TextBody = emailData.EmailBody;
      emailMessage.Body = emailBodyBuilder.ToMessageBody();
      SmtpClient emailClient = new SmtpClient();
      emailClient.Connect("", 465, true);
      emailClient.Authenticate("", "smtp_pwd");
      return true;
    catch (Exception ex)
      //Log Exception Details
      return false;

In the above function, we have created a function but we had an input method called Mail in the above function, It's a modal called to store the data in it and get the data...

public class Mail
    public string EmailFromName { get; set; }
    public string EmailToId { get; set; }
    public string EmailToName { get; set; }
    public string EmailSubject { get; set; }
    public string EmailBody { get; set; }

The Total Email sending code is below...

using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc; 
using MimeKit;
using MailKit.Net.Smtp; 
using Microsoft.Extensions.Options;
using Self.Models;

namespace surakshaQR.Controllers

  public class NotifyController : IEmailService

    public bool SendEmail(Mail emailData)
      MimeMessage emailMessage = new MimeMessage();
      MailboxAddress emailFrom = new MailboxAddress(emailData.EmailFromName, "");
      MailboxAddress emailTo = new MailboxAddress(emailData.EmailToName, emailData.EmailToId);
      emailMessage.Subject = emailData.EmailSubject;
      BodyBuilder emailBodyBuilder = new BodyBuilder();
      emailBodyBuilder.TextBody = emailData.EmailBody;
      emailMessage.Body = emailBodyBuilder.ToMessageBody();
      SmtpClient emailClient = new SmtpClient();
      emailClient.Connect("", 465, true);
      emailClient.Authenticate("", "smtp_pwd");
      return true;
    catch (Exception ex)
      //Log Exception Details
      return false;


  public interface IEmailService
    bool SendEmail(Mail emailData);

in any of the modal pages place the Mail modal function and import it into the controller page...

public class Mail
    public string EmailFromName { get; set; }
    public string EmailToId { get; set; }
    public string EmailToName { get; set; }
    public string EmailSubject { get; set; }
    public string EmailBody { get; set; }

If any issues or any doubts please have commented...

Thank you...

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