First WinUI 3 App - The Basics

  • The layout for your app is set in the Desktop project. Open the file, and you will see a single button labeled within a stack layout container.

  • The name of the button,  myButton , is used to reference this button in the application's code. You can find the myButton_Click() method in the file.
  • After running the app, you will see a basic Windows application with a single button. Clicking the button will change the label text for myButton to Clicked.

Navigate between Pages:

Add the frame element Iin MainWindow referenced by our pages. Open MainWindow.xaml and replace the existing StackPanel with a simple Frame element called mainFrame.

MainWindow.xaml :



<Frame x:Name="mainFrame" />


Finally, we need to load Page1 into the mainFrame when the MainWindow is initialized by adding the following line in MainWindow.xaml.cs.


public MainWindow()





Then the MainWindow navigates to page1.

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