HTML to CodeIgniter Web application convert

Download CodeIgniter3 from the CodeIgniter site.

Unzip the downloaded Codeigniter file and copy the folder ( c:\xampp\htdocs\, Live Server)

Copy all required folders from the template folder to the root folder. ( Like Assets, Images, etc.. )


Open the File Path 

Application >> Views

Create the Required Five file

1. include_head_link (head tag without title)

2. include_header (header)

3. include_navigator (side navigator)

4. include_footer (footer)

5. include_foot_script (foot script)

Change the Base URL also 

Open the File Path

1. Go To application/config

2. in the config folder open the config.php file 

3. in config.php set baseurl 

$config['base_url'] = 'base_url';

$config['base_url'] = 'http://localhost/your-codeigniter-project-folder-name';

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