How to save any file in the path (by dividing as chuncks) by using Django modal.
If you are trying to upload a file to a path by using chunks format then just follow,
Please create this function as a helper function or like the utils function only.
def save_file(file,path): #THIS FUCNTION WILL SAVE ANY FILE THAT IS PASSED TO IT WITH THE PATH res={} #SAVING FILE ORGINAL NAME INTO A VARABLE upload_path=path + #COMBINING GIVEN PATH WITH FILE NAME with open(upload_path,'wb+') as destination:#OPENING THAT PATH AS wb+(Opens a file for writing and reading in binary mode.) for chunk in file.chunks():#DIVIDS THAT FILE INTO CHUCKS AND MAKES A FOR LOOP destination.write(chunk)#THIS WILL TAKES THAT FILE TO THAT PATH AS CHUCKS AND COMBINES AS A ORGINAL FILE # DIVING AS CHUNCKS AND SAVING AT DESTINATION res['path']=upload_path res['name']=orginal_filename return res
By using the above code we can easily upload a file to a path as chuck-wise.