Common AJAX call in JavaScript using jQuery.

edited January 29 in Web Development

Hello guys,

In this session, we will create a function that helps us call AJAX in a common way on every page of a website.

Firstly, Create a file in assists folder named common_ajax.js and

Secondly, write the following function in the file:.

 function AjaxCalling(callback, Url, Data) {
        url: Url,
        type: 'POST',
        headers: authorization(),
        data: Data,
        async: true,
        processData: false, // Set to false when sending FormData
        contentType: false, // Set to false when sending FormData
        success: callback,

Then write a function which returns required headers in the same file, as follows:

function authorization() {
let headers = {
'Access-Control-Allow-Origin': '*',
return headers;

After these steps, we just have to import the JS file into our HTML file.

 <script src="/public/common_assets/imports/cdn.lordicon.com_lordicon.js"></script>
 data = {
                'search_string': "anydata"
            AjaxCall(function(data, header, error) {
             var response = JSON.parse(data);
              //process you wanted to do ....

Thank you.

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