$.each Function in jQuery

$.each is a core jQuery function designed for iterating over a jQuery object, array, or an array-like object. It simplifies the process of looping through elements, making it more convenient and concise.

$.each(collection, function(index, value) {
    // Code to be executed for each element
  • collection: The array or object to iterate over.
  • function(index, value): The callback function to execute for each element. index :The index of the current element in the collection.
  • value: The value of the current element.

For Example

$.each($("[id='addbtn_" + product_id + "']"), function () {
    $(this).append(show_cart_btn_with_quantity(product_id, quantity));
  1. This part uses a jQuery selector to select all elements with the ID attribute equal to 'addbtn_' + product_id. It's dynamically constructing the ID selector based on the product_id variable. For example, if product_id is 123, it will select all elements with the ID attribute equal to 'addbtn_123'.
  2. The $.each function is a jQuery utility function used for iterating over a jQuery object or an array. In this case, it iterates over all the elements that match the selector.
  3. function () { $(this).append(show_cart_btn_with_quantity(product_id, quantity)); }:
  4. The anonymous function inside $.each is executed for each matched element. $(this) refers to the current element being processed. The function appends the result of show_cart_btn_with_quantity(product_id, quantity) to each of these elements.

In this code is selecting all HTML elements with a specific ID based on the product_id and then appending the result of show_cart_btn_with_quantity(product_id, quantity) to each of those elements. The purpose is to dynamically modify the content of these elements based on the value of quantity and product_id.

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