" The Impression Factor - Grooming & Dressing "

edited April 2023 in General

Hi people. How is it going? Today, we are going to talk about the importance of grooming and dressing at workspace, which is extremely important, but often neglected.

The definition of Grooming :

We come across this term on a daily basis. Grooming means to have a presentable look (applies to both gents and ladies) externally, which in turn makes one confident inside. For men, the following points hold good : 

  • Shirt and trousers ironed well.
  • Clean nails.
  • Polished boots, belt with simple buckle.
  • Clean shave or properly trimmed beard 
  • Hair style done right.
  • A good deodorant which will not distract others.
  • Last but not the least, please have a pen in your shirt pocket.

Why create a hype ?

  • An individual who is groomed well, feels confident, inside and out. A sense of responsibility and professionalism seeps in. Focus at the workplace improves further. 
  • What is more important is the impression achieved during client interaction and meetings. 
  • When you dress well professionally, half the battle is won, even if you are not well versed with the subject, you tend to add more value by participating in the discussion and this participation plays a key role during allocation of the projects.
  • Some are used to formal dressing while others are not. jeans , t-shirts can be reserved for Saturdays, but it is not recommended to present yourself in casual attire before a client. 
  • Also soft skills & behaviour are a part of grooming. The way you talk and hold it is what matters. It could be anyone : colleagues, clients and your boss.

No change is felt overnight


For some, it might take some time to get acquainted with all that we discussed. As days progress, you will be the best judge for yourself. It’s not only about the client, it’s about professionalism and demeanour.

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