Responding to client's questions while dealing with a project, with some scenarios.

"Good morning / Good afternoon / Good evening Sir or Ma’am. ( Greeting them according to the time of the day)".


Case 1 : When we want to give the status of the project  / meeting

Sir/Ma’am, we have so far completed - - - - - - pages OR we are  presently working on - - - - - - module / page. We will update the status upon the completion of this module / page.

Sir, could I please have your email address and contact number? That would assist us in updating you with the status of the project.

Sir / Ma’am, would it be convenient for you to join us for the meeting on  DATE & TIME. 

Hi all, I am sharing the project outline, as discussed on DATE & TIME. 

Sir / Ma’am, we have updated certain fields in - - - - - - - - on DATE & TIME according to our latest interaction/discussion.

Sir / Ma’am, I have just shared some samples for- - - - - - project. I would be happy to know your opinion. Thank you.

Sir / Ma’am, I have a couple of queries in regards to - - - - - - - - - -. May I know the best time to reach you?

Sir/ Ma’am. We shared - - - - - – - yesterday in the WhatsApp group. Are there any modifications that need to be carried out ?

Case 2 : Regarding approvals / permissions 

Sir/Ma’am , I have completed the changes as suggested by you for - - - - - - .  Wanted to take your permission before proceeding to - - - - - - - -. 

With your permission can I share a few - - - - - - - - of the project  that I worked upon?

Case 3 : Informing meeting points (Minutes of Meeting)

Sir / Ma’am, below are the Minutes of the Meeting (MoM) that we discussed in the meeting, dated (DATE)

Sir / Ma’am, below are the areas that need to be completed from our end, as discussed in the meeting yesterday/ day before yesterday/today.

Sir/ Ma’am, we would be needing some information from your end in order to move forward with the project. They are as follows : (mention the information that you need from client’s side )

Case 4 : Project documentation

Sir / Ma’am, thank you for giving us this opportunity. We have drafted the following notes while we were discussing the initial project details ( this morning/yesterday/day before yesterday ) to ensure that we have covered all the essential areas. Thank you.

Case 5 : Add-on in the project

Sir / Ma’am. We would love to work on the add-ons. However, since this point was not mentioned / included in the initial documentation meeting, a quick consent is needed from our - - - - - - - -  before proceeding with this add-on.

Sir / Ma’am. We have obtained the approval for your add-on. Shall we discuss further ?

Case 6 : Delay from our side

Sir/Ma’am. We apologise for the delay in - - - - - - - - - - (reason.) . Please be assured that the screens / pages / project will be ready by DATE and we are equally excited for the roll out. 

We sincerely apologise for the delay in responding to your message / call. Is it the right time to have a word?

Case 7 : We are waiting for their reply / response

Sir / Ma’am, we have shared some (information/ screens /framework /  pages) this morning / yesterday. I / we look forward to hearing from you. Thank you.

Case 8 : Sharing the things they asked like applications or any docs

Sir / Ma’am. We are sharing the demo version of the application / project. Also, there are  links that we are sending you which might be helpful for the project. Your feedback is highly appreciated.

Case 9 : Informing any work as they said will take some time.

Sir / Ma’am. We are strict when it comes to the timeline and delivery of the project because we know how important it is for you. In this case, we had to utilise an extra day / or  hours due to (reason) which was beyond the final timeline. Please be assured that the project will be delivered by DATE & TIME. Thank you.


Note :

  • Please be professional while interacting with the clients.
  • Respond to client's message at the earliest. In case you are not able to respond on time, say sorry and then proceed with your message.
  • In case you feel difficulty speaking in English, take the client's permission to continue in the language of your choice.
  • No matter how irate / angry the client is, keep your tone soft and professional.
  • Use words such as : Please, Thank You ,only when necessary.

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