[Fixed] 'Firebase.h' file not found (iOS Ionic Error)

edited January 2021 in Ionic


Step 1:

Add the following lines to podfile in platforms/ios folder (between target 'Xtraliving' do and end):

    pod 'Firebase/Core', '6.3.0'
    pod 'Firebase'
    pod 'Firebase/Messaging', '6.3.0'
    pod 'Firebase/Performance', '6.3.0'
    pod 'Firebase/RemoteConfig', '6.3.0'
    pod 'Fabric', '1.9.0'
    pod 'Crashlytics', '3.12.0'

Step 2:

Run the below command from platforms/ios folder

pod install

That's it, Fixed !, try to again run the code in Xcode.

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